Products & Services

A place where Quality people provide Quality service and Quality products with a dedicated commitment to be the best.

Quality Oil propane truck on a field

Propane Delivery

We pride ourselves on fast and reliable propane deliveries, as well as knowledgeable technicians specializing in propane tank installations, leak checks, and all gas appliances.

Photo of Quality Oil employee refueling a commercial fueling vehicle.

Heating Oil Delivery

At Quality Oil Company we understand that if you are a homeowner in need of heating fuel, you are looking for fast and dependable service at an affordable price.  We take on-time delivery very seriously.

Quality Oil Company LLC fuel tanks out on the field

Commercial Fueling

Our experienced drivers and staff can provide job site fueling and tanks for your commercial, industrial, or agriculture needs. We keep your business running during the most critical times.

Photo of fireplace

Gas Logs and Appliances

We partner with a variety of vendors to bring you quality crafted & high efficient heating and comfort products, including gas logs, fireplace inserts, tankless water heaters & more.


We’re growing and always on the lookout for talented people. If you are interested in new opportunities with Quality Oil Company and working at a diverse, inclusive, high-energy workplace, check out our current openings.



We’re growing, and always on the lookout for talented people. If you are interested in new opportunities with Quality Oil Company – and working at a diverse, inclusive, high – energy workplace – check out our current openings.

About our company

Celebrating 95 Years of Excellence

Who we are

Beginning in 1929, our Quality Oil Company has always believed in delivering quality service. From Virginia to Florida, our Company keeps customers a top priority. We hope we make you feel at home by serving all your fuel oil and propane needs, providing you a place to stay at one of our hotels, and welcoming you into one of our convenience stores.

Quality Oil Company has developed a long-standing heritage of integrity, honesty, ethical dealings and trust easily recognized by the communities we serve, vendors we use and our employees. Treating each other the way we would like to be treated, as simple a statement as that may seem, has led to the development of a sense of pride and loyalty to our Company that can only be admired by our competitors.

Standing on the values which got us to where we are today, and leading us into the future, our commitment to you and from you will be to strive:

  • Do it because it is right
  • Treat others as they would like to be treated
  • Be financially responsible
  • Be better today than yesterday
Photo of historical shell gas station, originally constructed by Quality Oil Company

Who we are

Beginning in 1929, our Quality Oil Company believes in delivering quality service. From Virginia to Florida, our Company believes in keeping our customers a priority. We hope we make you feel at home by serving your heating and cooling needs, providing you a place to stay at one of our hotels, and welcoming you into one of our convenience stores.

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Advance, Bermuda Run, Mocksville, Cooleemee

Lexington, Denton, Wallburg, Southmont, Tyro, Midway

Clemmons, Lewisville, Winston-Salem, Kernersville, Walkertown, Rural Hall, Bethania, Pfafftown, Tobaccoville

Greensboro, High Point, Oak Ridge, Jamestown, Stokesdale

Danbury, King, Pinnacle, Walnut Cove, Germanton

Boonville, East Bend, Forbush, Hamptonville, Jonesville, Yadkinville

Iredell, Rowan, Surry

Commercial Fueling:

Alamance | Alexander | Alleghany | Anson | Ashe | Avery | Beaufort | Bertie | Bladen | Brunswick | Buncombe | Burke | Cabarrus | Caldwell | Camden | Carteret | Caswell | Catawba | Chatham | Cherokee | Chowan | Clay | Cleveland | Columbus | Craven | Cumberland | Currituck | Dare | Davidson | Davie | Duplin | Durham | Edgecombe | Forsyth | Franklin | Gaston | Gates | Graham | Granville | Greene | Guilford | Halifax | Harnett | Haywood | Henderson | Hertford | Hoke | Hyde | Iredell | Jackson | Johnston | Jones | Lee | Lenoir | Lincoln | Macon | Madison | Martin | McDowell | Mecklenburg | Mitchell | Montgomery | Moore | Nash | New Hanover | Northampton | Onslow | Orange | Pamlico | Pasquotank | Pender | Perquimans | Person | Pitt | Polk | Randolph | Richmond | Robeson | Rockingham | Rowan | Rutherford | Sampson | Scotland | Stanly | Stokes | Surry | Swain | Transylvania | Tyrrell | Union | Vance | Wake | Warren | Washington | Watauga | Wayne | Wilkes | Wilson | Yadkin | Yancey

Cherokee | Greenville | Lancaster | Spartanburg | York

Carroll | Floyd | Franklin | Henry | Patrick | Roanoke